휴썸 - 출퇴근 기록, 반반차, 시간휴가

by (주)앤트썸



✨Vacation management, attendance records, company notices, address book✨Stop applying for complicated leave!Automatically manage the vacation details of annoying employees!Vacation, attendance management, and Husome that are easy to use for both companies and businesses!Try it nowCheck out the intro page 👉 https://hu.antsome.com/intro ▪ ▪ ▪[Function of Husome]# my vacation- Check vacation details by year and month- Provides a graph showing the number of vacation days used compared to the number of annual leave days- Check the detailed vacation history you applied for- Register vacation by touching vacation date, type, and reason- Vacation approval, cancellation function# Commute management- Register commute based on current location/time- Check commute history# company calendar-View employees vacation details on a calendar-Register for in-house events and view on calendar# vote- Register/Response to vote- Notification to company employees when registering to vote#In-house bulletin board- Post/comment registration- attachment# Notice notification- When the person in charge registers a notice, it is notified to employees within the company# Team Notifications- Register for team notifications# address book- Employee contact information management- Send emails and make phone calls directly to employees through the address book# Administrator webpage- Vacation history dashboard- Company information management- Employee information management- Team management- Vacation history management- Download vacation details in Excel- Notice registration and management- History management